Dominika Brejchová comes from Strakonice and began her journey to art by studying painting at the St. Agnes in Český Krumlov. For a few years at university, she switched her brushes to literature and media theory. Today she lives and creates in Prague, where you can visit her in her studio in Kateřinská street.
In recent years, she has mainly devoted herself to abstract painting and experiments with acrylic paints, inks, sprays and sand. She developed her own technique combining gestural abstract painting, spray painting and structuring using fine sand. In this way, she creates images based on her own travel experiences. Sand helps her activate tactile memory and dive deep into memories. The motifs in the paintings are an interplay of elements constructed from specific impressions and experiences. Colored elements depicting individual objects and subjects enter the painting, and each painting is tied to a specific place and memory.
EXHIBITIONS (selection)
2024/2-4, Czech republic, Prague, Salón Koncept Letná (joint exhibition)
2024/2, Czech republic, Prague, TwinArt Gallery – Bear & Berries (solo exhibition)
2024/1, Czech republic, Prague, Dudes&Barbies Gallery – gallery collection exhibition (joint exhibition)
2023/12 Czech republic, Prague, Dům Radost – Advent Pop-up (group exhibition of Dům Radost redisent artists)
2023/11, Czech republic, Pilsen, Schovaná kavárna – On The Road (solo exhibition)
2023/8-9, Czech republic, Prague, Klubovna 2. patro – True Adventure (solo exhibition)
2023/7, United Kingdom, London, The Holy Art Gallery – Aesthetica II (group exhibition)
2023/4-9, Czech republic, Dolní Kounice, Hradní aukční galerie – Power of Women (group exhibition)
2023/2-3, Czech republic, Prague, Dudes&Barbies Gallery – Dreaming about Palm Trees (solo exhibition)
2022/10, Czech republic, Prague, Mamacoffee – Lake Drops (solo exhibition)
2022/9, Austria, Salzburg, Artnumber23 – Open Art (group exhibition)
2022/9, Spain, Barcelona, Artnumber23 – Open Art (group exhibition)
2010, Czech republic, Český Krumlov, Klášter – group exhibition of SUPŠ sv. Anežky (Art College of St. Agnes) painting graduates